Berean Dunkard Brethren Church | Peru, IN
Bethel Dunkard Brethren Church | Bethel, PA
9:30 AM EDT
Direct Line; No Access Code Needed
CornerStone Dunkard Brethren Church | Covington, OH
10:30 AM EDT
Access Code: 703 3019 #
Dallas Center Dunkard Brethren Church | Dallas Center, IA
10:15 AM CDT
Access Code: 902 7327 #
Grandview Dunkard Brethren Church | Grandview, MO
Lititz Dunkard Brethren Church | Lititz, PA
10:00 AM EDT
929-205-6099 or 312-626-6799
Access Code: 99045726227 #
Available On Zoom | Access Code: 99045726227
Pleasant Ridge Dunkard Brethren Church | West Unity, OH
10:30 AM EDT
Access Code: 630 920 0857 #
Available On Zoom | Access Code: 630 920 0857 / Password: 5555
Quinter Dunkard Brethren Church | Quinter, KS
Shrewsbury Dunkard Brethren Church | Shrewsbury, PA
9:30 AM EDT
Join by Zoom Meeting via your computer/tablet/smartphone.
One tap mobile numbers
(Choose the one closest to you)
+13017158592,,6372036498# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,6372036498# US (Chicago)
Listen on a conventional telephone
Dial the one closest to you...
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
...then listen carefully to the prompts and dial the Meeting ID and Passcode when requested. Follow with the # key as directed. If it asks for a "participant ID", press # to skip it.
Meeting ID: 637 203 6498
Passcode: 158371